четверг, 29 сентября 2011 г.

My UK tracklist

London with it's cloudy, rainy weather and old architecture creates unbelievable music aura.
From my point of view, British music was created mostly for it's citizens, so, you might find it more attractive here then anywhere else.
Several days before trip I uploaded only British music on my iPod.
While walking London's streets I created own tracklist, that I would like to share with you.
1. Keane - She open her eyes
2. Keane - She has no time
3. The Beatles - The Long and Winding Road
4. The Verve - Sonnet
5. The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby
6. Keane - Nothing in my way
7. Keane - Snowed Under
8. Keane - The way You Want It
9. Blur - To The End
10. The Verve - Valium Skies
Most of these songs were not new for my, but, I found a lot of new staff in them while listening in UK. Keane's song "She open her eyes", that I didn't like a lot in Ukraine was my best in UK.

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